PSX 2 in development

Hardware revision to see original spec restored and more

Posted by Staff
PSX 2 in development
According to various reports surfacing this morning, Sony Consumer Electronics Japan is developing a revised PSX model, due to hit Japanese retail in summer of next year.

As you may remember, much of the touted functionality of the device was stripped only weeks before the PlayStation 2/TIVO-a-like hybrid was launched last Saturday.

Specifically, the new model will reinstate the ability to record in the DVD-RW, as was slated for the original models. Also on the cards, form what we gather, is complete broadband support, enabling full online PlayStation 2 gaming. The ability to use iLink is also said to be in the works for the revised machine.

Interesting if true, we're sure you'll agree. Is it unclear at this point as to whether the western version, expected in July 2004, will include these functions.

As soon as we find out, you'll be the first to know.


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