"I've got to take the cat to the vet's"; "The gas man's coming to read the meter"; "Top WWE wrestling diva Torrie Wilson is popping round in a big blue pick-up truck with a copy of SmackDown and a shiny new silver PS2..."
Who knows whether Rory Higgs' boss believed him, but judging by these pictures he thought it was worth the risk. Accompanied by PSW editor Richard Melville, Torrie took time out from a busy round of photo shoots, press interviews and triple-suplex-bodyslams to pay Rory a visit at his home in Vauxhall. Rory was the lucky winner of the WWE SmackDown: Here Comes the Pain competition which ran on the THQ website. Friends say he was "surprised, delighted and only slightly frightened" when Torrie turned up in person to deliver his prize of a PS2 and copy of the game.
WWE SmackDown: Here Comes the Pain is out now, and riding high in the charts, it's already sold more copies than Big Show's had hot dinners. Check out http://www.thq.co.uk/wwe/ for more details.