Conker developer speaks of online goodness

More Internet, more often.

Posted by Staff
As you may remember, we exclusively revealed back in February that Rare was hard at work on an Xbox Live-centric re-spin on the wildly popular Conker’s series.

And it would seem that someone at CyberShack found a missing dictaphone tape from E3, wherein an unnamed Rare source talks of the online happiness the development team is looking to impart.

“I think any online gaming has a whole new element to it, and we have done a lot of work on the co-op side of it. You can really get a team player experience going with it and it has just been so much fun at work, just playing amongst the development team, so we are expecting once we get it online in the mass market its going to be a whole new experience.”

Very good. We can’t wait for a mixture of toilet humour and multiplayer Space Invaders. It’s why the microchip was invented.


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