CELL is born in late 2004, PlayStation expected 2006

Production dates engrave PS3 date

Posted by Staff
CELL is born in late 2004, PlayStation expected 2006
Speaking this week in Tokyo, Sony’s newly-appointed chief technical officer and former senior vice president of the firm’s semiconductor business Kenshi Manabe revealed the loose plans for the production of the PlayStation 3.

Having confirmed that the first operable models of the CELL would be in demo form by mid next year, he moved onto mass-production of the key PlayStation 3 component.

“We expect to start mass production of CELL in the second-half of 2005," Manabe said. "For the time being, we plan on setting up a pilot line.”

This now is seen as certain evidence that the PlayStation 3 will hit between late 2005 and early 2006. Manabe also stated that Elpida and Toshiba will begin mass production of the PS3’s beefy XDR-DRAM at about the same time.

Don’t expect official confirmation for some time, though, given these manufacture dates, it now looks set that a wait of over two years will have to be endured before PlayStation 3 hits stores anywhere in the world.

We’ll bring you everything PlayStation 3 until then, and thereon after forever and ever.



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