Another screen revealed from new/old Pokemon games

It’s Ash, outside his house!

Posted by Staff
Another screen revealed from new/old Pokemon games
Nintendo Japan has revealed a new screenshot from the upcoming Game Boy re-makes of the original Pokemon games.

Carrying the intriguing names Pokemon Fire Red and Pokemon Leaf Green, it is not currently known if Leaf Green is in fact a re-make of Japanese Pokemon Blue, or the disastrously poor first outing in the series, Pokemon Green, released in Japan only, in February 1995.

If so, it means a whole new - albeit rubbish - game. If not, it means a fresh look at classic Pokemon Blue, which is marginally preferable, we cannot decide.

As of this point in time, no release dates for any territory have been revealed, although the game will be fully compatible with the Ruby and Sapphire incarnations released earlier this year. Compatibility with Pokemon Coliseum, the GameCube update to the Pokemon Stadium formula, was also confirmed.

We aim to cast rays of light into these games' grey areas in the coming weeks.


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