Argh! My appendix… need… GameCube…

Sick kids get GameCubes.

Posted by Staff
Poorly American children are to get GameCubes, games and swanky LCD TV's to play on in hospital.

In a deal struck between the Starlight Children’s Foundation and Nintendo, roughly 500 children’s wards throughout Washington state will see updated Fun Centres, complete with the high-end TV's, DVD players, GameCubes and more.

“Fun Centres are tremendous tools for alleviating the stress and anxiety children typically associate with being in the hospital and for helping to create a sense of normalcy," said Rebecca Bratcher, child life specialist, Sacred Heart Children's Hospital in Spokane. "For patients who have limited mobility, and those who are preparing for or recovering from surgery, Fun Centres are a welcome diversion that make time in the hospital pass more quickly.”


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