Criminalympics for PS2

Multiplayer frolics, GTA style.

Posted by Staff
Criminalympics for PS2
It was bound to happen sooner or later. The PS2 public have made it perfectly clear how they feel about violent criminal activity: they love it all. And so we see Leeds-based R8 games taking that malignant darkside and smearing it all over a party-game format. There’s not much more information available as yet, but they won’t be able to keep it quiet for long, not that they’d want to; this is the kind of game that thrives off speculative hype.

Early indications are promising. R8 have solid credentials - the core staff are former employees of Sony, Rage, Gremlin and many more, and the concept for Criminalympics is sure to find plenty of fans. The events revealed so far seem to violate a broad and varied range of crimes, and as any self-respecting sociopath knows, variety is the spice of life. Players will be competing in a spot of ram-raiding, executing witnesses, people-trafficking, burgling manors, setting fire to stuff…it’s all good. And in true party-game tradition, the gameplay structure to these mini-games will be suitably simplistic.

As soon as wet get more official news on Criminalympics, we’ll be letting you know (possibly via an anonymous letter made from bits of newspaper-cuttings). Until then, check the R8 website - - to peruse possible examples of character art.


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