Freeloader No-Loader

Import game player comes unstuck

Posted by Staff
The initial release of Datel's Freeloader slipped repeatedly as the developers perfected and fine-tuned it, making sure that all games worked with it. They didn't, and the disc saw an immediate revision, which, thankfully, fixed all bugs.

However, retailers are reporting that the Japanese version of the much-anticipated F-Zero GX is presenting Freeloader with a few problems: The game boots fine, but a lack of any kind of menu screen means that players have to guess their way around the game modes and settings. On a similar note, when the game starts proper, the HUD lacks certain aspects like lap times and speed.

While these are only minor problems - and none that would spoil any real enjoyment of the game - the reports do indicate that the renowned region lock thwarter could be about to face a few problems. The coming months are set to see a wealth of must have titles for the GameCube - all which us Europeans are going to receive much later than the Japanese release date: Mario Kart, Mario Golf, 1080, Kirby's Air Ride, Resi 4. Need we say more?

When problems plagued Freeloader early on, Datel was very quick to solve them, offering free exchanges to anyone who bought the initial versions. We hope this will happen again and we've asked Datel to confirm this.

Expect full details if and when they reply.


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