Square Enix in Euro-pledge shock

SE shows LV40 sense.

Posted by Staff
Square Enix in Euro-pledge shock
In a meeting with assembled press held in Tokyo yesterday, Square Enix made its first commitment to the European market, promising faster, better localisation for the PAL territory.

As you may well know, Square Enix has been widely accused of taking its European fanbase for mugs, releasing games ridiculously early, and refusing to even make the barest effort towards optimising the code for the region. Final Fantasy X for example, hit our shores ten months after it hit Japan and was not optimised in any way. A fifth of the screen was taken up by ugly, black borders and there was no 60Hz option, ridiculous for a game of that profile and unacceptable to its userbase.

Well this looks set to change with the Square Enix board confirming that its main focus for the coming year is increasing sales in both North America and Europe. The best news is that Square Enix has realised that its poor localisation processes have had a severe knock-on in terms of missed sales and will henceforth be kicked into shape.

In related news, Square Enix stated that Dragon Quest VIII will not be released before April of next year, and that Kingdom Hearts 2 development is on hold for some Mickey Mouse reason, or waiting for approval from Disney, as it’s more commonly known.


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