An Industry Evolves as Dust Settles on Most Cautious E3 in Years

Attendees underwhelmed by industry's lack of confidence.

Posted by Staff
Without question, this year's show was the most cautious to date, with all the big players taking a no-risk, highly consolidated decision in what was on show.

Indeed, E3 this year was more about what wasn't on show, and will be remembered as such. The list of games not on show, that in any other year would have been made playable to the public, is staggering. Half-Life 2, Doom 3, Mario 128, New Zelda GameCube, Halo 2 were all expected, and had this year been any other, probably would have been on the floor. Announcements hinted at (including new hardware specs, new Grand Theft Auto, and so on) were also notable by absence.

But this year's show hid a deeper, more alarming new trend that the industry has taken. There was almost no risk to be seen at E3. The develop-quick, pile 'em high mantra, as coined by Electronic Arts has run its course. Now publishers are seeking security behind strong licenses and proven franchises. It was as though Vice City's success in owning game sales last year had really rocked the publishing world. If one game took such a massive chunk of sales once, the same thing can happen again, so any games that the bean-counters cannot guarantee will break even have to be scrapped.

The talk of the showfloor pointed towards a change in the focus of the industry, an evolution of sorts, into an altogether different animal. Again taking a lead from Vice City, publishers will, from now on, make fewer games, with higher budget allocations and with more mainstream-friendly angle. Akin with Hollywood, the big players will strive to deliver license tie-in blockbusters, in place of the traditional videogame.

There is no mistaking the fact that E3 this year saw a load of games companies trying their utmost not to get things wrong. If some of that energy was put into getting things right, with a focus on delivering innovative, appealing and non-cynical content, we'd all be a bit better off.

More on all this, soon.


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