Petite Copter revealed

Mini-chopper medley spells Euro joy?

Posted by Staff
AquaSystem of Japan has released the first batch of screens from the finished version of mini-buzz ‘em’ up Petite Copter for PlayStation 2, much to the joy of console owners the world over.

The game features around 20 miniature helicopters which must be piloted around various scenes, such as around the house and in hospitals, in order to fulfil mission-led level objectives.

As well as a lengthy (about 40 hours) and detailed single-player game, a whole bunch of multiplayer options are included. Here’s how AquaSystem Japan describes one of the games. “They are two (sic) human simultaneous play modes which 2 (sic) divide the picture. At the wide place where the obstacle (the container) is put, in anticipation and the like the method which clears the condition which is decided first becomes the winner.” Hmm, yes…but how cool does that sound?!

Interestingly, the company states that it intends to release Petite Copter for PlayStation 2, which incidentally is already available for PC and Xbox, in all territories, hinting that talks for a European version may already be underway.

We’ll keep you posted.


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