Geller takes Nintendo east. Alakazam!

Pokemon hearing moves to Japan.

Posted by Staff
Geller takes Nintendo east. Alakazam!
You may remember that early last year, we brought you the amusing news that Uri Geller, the world-renowned spoon-bender, had decided to sue Nintendo for using his likeness within its Pokemon franchise.

Specifically, the Pokemon Alakazam, who is presented in Uri Geller’s trademark orange, has psychic powers and goes around clutching two spoons in his hands, caused Geller to insist that his likeness had been used without permission.

Amazingly, Nintendo argued that the trading cards were not sold in excess in the States and the case must be shifted to Japan, where most of the cards were sold. “Absent evidence to the contrary, the court has no difficulty in presuming that the vast majority of these cards have been sold in Japan, rather than in the US,” said District Judge Florence-Marie Cooper.

Geller has yet to announce whether or not he will pursue his claim. We’ll keep you updated if anything happens. We’ll also let you know if Mr Iwata’s cutlery starts mysteriously fragmenting. Thinking about it, he should be safe with chopsticks.


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