Rumour is rife this morning that Nintendo is poised to drop the price of its GameCube in the US and possibly Europe. The uproar comes in the wake of Famitsu magazine declaring that a major firm, possibly Nintendo, is set to make some colossal announcements in the coming days.
According to gossip, Nintendo has learned that both Microsoft and Sony are planning to drop the US price for their home machines to $150 just after Thanksgiving in the States, in time for the Christmas rush. Nintendo is then planning to drop the GameCube price to a mere $99, which if true, is incredibly good news for gamers.
Although this is in contrast with Sony of Europe and America's assertion that the price of PlayStation 2 hardware is fixed for the medium term, it did not rule out a "bundle war" in an attempt to meet the staggering offerings of Microsoft. This has sparked further rumour that a fresh PlayStation 2 bundle may be on the cards. Further speculation has seen Nintendo plan to give away copies of either Super Mario Sunshine and/or Luigi's Mansion with the GameCube.
At the moment, we're mining a rich seam of speculation, but the truth is buried somewhere within it. As soon as our pickaxe hits something solid, we'll let you know straight away.