Acclaim pays speeders’ tickets

Burnout 2 sees free speeding across the country.

Posted by Staff
Following in its recent, if dedicated path of formulating the most shocking marketing campaigns seen in recent years, Acclaim UK has declared that it will pay the fine of anyone caught speeding on a roadside camera on October 11, the same day that Burnout 2: Point of Impact is released.

Eager not to enrage the easily-enraged set, a company spokesman said, “Taking the side of people who enjoy driving fast, it seemed quite logical to offer people caught by camera something that would make them feel okay about it.”

The Department of Transport was not that impressed with the idea, as you would imagine. “If they want to foot what is likely to be a hefty bill, that is their choice," said a spokesman. "But we cannot condone something that so obviously encourages people to break the law and do something dangerous. I just hope for their sakes that none of these people ends up knocking down a child."

It will be interesting to see if this PR stunt from Acclaim ever comes to fruition. Where are the Turok babies and where was the man who was due to queue for Turok for a month?


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