A pressure group is trying to initiate ‘Don’t Buy a Videogame Week’ in an attempt to force publishers to lower the retail price of all videogames across the board.
Now, it’s a fair point that games are expensive in the UK, as is pretty much everything else, and there might be a case to have the cost of them lowered. However, some of the ‘facts’ quoted by the group are simply wrong.
According to the group, games that can cost as much as £45 actually cost 40p to make. This is absolute balderdash as anyone with any sense will know. Simple DVD mastering easily outstrips this alone.
“We're not saying 'Don't buy a game ever again'” said campaigners. “All we're saying is, if we all demonstrate our power as consumers by refusing to buy anything in one particular week, the industry will have no choice but to sit up and listen. There isn't a single reason that games couldn't be sold at £20, or even less.”
Just think, Super Monkey Ball 2, Vice City, The Getaway, Colin 3 and all the rest, on the cheap. Don’t hold your breath.