The Getaway gets a pre-Christmas date

SCEE to make its mark

Posted by Staff
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has finally given a date to The Getaway.

The Getaway, SCEE's most expensive title to date is now scheduled for a December 6th release, just inside the essential Christmas timeframe. Had the game slipped into next year, Sony's European arm would have no doubt come under pressure from its Japanese HQ.

The Getaway, according to Sony Computer Entertainment, has cost around £5 million to date though rumours have suggested that the actual figure is significantly higher.

The title, created by SCEE's Team Soho, is an incredibly ambitious project offering pretty much all of Zone One in London as a playable environment. This was achieved by a team of ten photographers, on foot for two years. That's twnty man-years just on photography folks!

Anyway, we've played The Getaway and it truly is an awesome experience combining technical genius with thrilling gangster-themed mission-based driving action. Make sure you're in the Queue on December 6.


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