Yes! Repton emerges for portable platforms!

BBC Micro classic emerges once again from his little egg.

Posted by Staff
Masabi Games has sent us through some screenshots of its remake of Repton, the seminal BBC Micro Boulderdash clone.

Developed in the UK, Repton will be available for pocket PC platforms, Nokia 7650 and (eventually) Java-enabled wireless devices.

For those of you too stupid or too young to have played a BBC, Repton was the Mario of the platform and headed up its games offering, originally from Superior Software. Masabi will be releasing remakes of Repton 3, Repton Thru Time, Repton: Around the World in 40 Screens and The Life of Repton, totalling an impressive 144 levels.

Repton was a huge-seller back in the day, totalling over 125,000 sales into a userbase of around 400,000.

We’ll keep you updated on Repton and all things retro as they break.


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