Super Monkey Ball 2 Story Mode details and screens

Dr Bad-Boon eh...

Posted by Staff
Get it? Dr Bad-Boon! Brilliant. Sega Amusement Vision has released details and screens from the story mode contained within the wildly anticipated Super Monkey Ball 2, a title exclusive to GameCube.

You will play as Ai Ai, the star monkey from the first game. According to Sega, all is not well in Monkey Ball land. Dr Bad-Boon has two evil plots. He plans to steal all the bananas from our heroes and, what’s worse, he has fallen in love with Mee Mee, arguably the sexiest monkey ever seen.

Now it turns out that Mee Mee is in fact Ai Ai’s bird. Or monkey anyway. So all that time staring at her tush as you guided her down in Monkey Target was, well, it was wrong.

Accordingly, you will have to guide Ai Ai through ten colossal world to save her from the nasty looking Bad-Boon. Not the most original storyline the world has ever seen but it’s time-tested and works very well indeed.

Monkey Ball 2 is due out in the UK towards Easter 2003, which is a shame as it’s due out at the end of the month in the US and Japan, but it’ll be well worth the wait. Perhaps Infogrames, the European publisher for the title, will see sense and release it a little sooner?

We’ll keep you updated.


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