Latest Panzer Dragoon shots released

Smilebit dragon shooter the best-looking Xbox game yet.

Posted by Staff
At a sweaty Xbox E3 press conference, marred by whooping crowd-plants, one game shone out above all others. Panzer Dragoon Orta, offered up by Sega’s Smilebit studio, genuinely wowed those in attendance, with jaw-dropping and spine-tingling the norm.

As far as heritage goes, the Panzer Dragoon series is as well regarded as anything you can think of. Although tragically it was only seen on the ill-fated Sega Saturn, the graphical grunt and gameplay offered by Sega was unsurpassed and became firmly lodged as a favourite with all who played it.

The latest incarnation, to be produced exclusively for Xbox, is more of the same, but with a darker feel and arguably the best graphics ever seen in a home console videogame.

We were lucky enough to spend some time interviewing Smilebit’s president, Takayuki Hawagoe recently, the transcript from which will be appearing shortly, so stay tuned for some opinion straight from the dragon’s mouth.


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