Shiny’s David Perry talks The Matrix Reloaded

A game set to revolutionise everything? Please let it be so.

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Shiny’s David Perry talks The Matrix Reloaded
In a recent interview with Xen, Shiny’s David Perry talks about the future of Shiny Entertainment and its upcoming title based around the Matrix sequel, without doubt the most anticipated movie for a long time.

It turns out that Shiny actually turned down the rights to The Matrix, as the development team was busy with other projects. Cripes! “After I saw the movie, I thought to myself, ‘What have you done?’ Fortunately, they continued to hear good things about my team from industry people and came back to me again and I jumped at the opportunity.”

The when talking about the game in general, Perry said, “The Matrix is one of the games that will help change licensing, The key is to have everything worked out up front with the lawyers and agents and licensor. The Wachowskis came along and gave us the opportunity to handle licensing the way it should be done, not the way it was done in the past. This game's not a license, it's a collaboration. We worked closely with all the principal actors involved in the film, who will appear in the game with their actual voices, rather than the sound-alike actors that many current movie-based games use. I think when people see what we've done with this game, it's going to show Hollywood just how far games have come.”


Then Perry revealed some game information for the first time. It turns out that the game will largely be set in the Matrix world itself. “The world of The Matrix is a big and complex world. The Matrix itself is the perfect place to set a game. After seeing the first movie, we all think we know The Matrix, but let me tell you, you don’t know anything. The next two films will take us farther to the rabbit hole, and it goes very deep. The Wachowskis have put more thought into these films than you could ever imagine. I’ll sit there and ask them a specific question about the Matrix universe and without delay, they have a well thought out, considered, interesting answer. It would be impossible to make the game without them. It makes me wonder how we ever did it without the directors in the past."

We really can’t wait.


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