New Nintendo Hardware Rumoured for E3

E3 rumour mills begin to grind hard

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New Nintendo Hardware Rumoured for E3
E3 - June 10th to 12th in LA - is apparently going to be the venue for a new piece of Nintendo hardware. Apparently it's gaming hardware... not a fitness board.

Remember that Nintendo DS Fusion we reported on back in January (specs and all), well this is the unit that's making the running in the naming race for the new machine.

IGN is the main source of the rumour via its podcast, stating: "Nintendo is absolutely going to show new hardware this year, there is no doubt in my mind. I've heard it from multiple people now. I've heard it from someone who used to be at Nintendo, I've heard it from somebody on the third-party front."

And Videogamer claims that, "Games compatible with the hardware will also be playable at the show, our source says, with the hardware believed to be linked to system specs leaked earlier in the year.

"Those specs suggest that the hardware will be formed of two parts - a 'Fusion DS' and a 'Fusion Terminal' - and be a successor to the platform holder's struggling Wii U."

So, yes, a new multipart DS? Excited?


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