OFFICIAL: TitanFall "Unexpected" Downtime

With the US launch of TitanFall done - and Europe happening on Friday it's not good news.

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OFFICIAL: TitanFall "Unexpected" Downtime
"Titanfall unexpected downtime on PC" reads the headline over at EA's own official page. And it's that word, "Unexpected" that has triggered most concern.

The majority of TitanFall reviews and even previews were carried out in very tightly controlled circumstances - the reviews mostly on closed servers and so gave little real impression of what would happen when the game went live. Now the USA gaming community has hit the online-only, multiplayer game in a big way.

EA says, "Titanfall is currently experiencing connection problems, which means you may not be able to connect to online play, or even might get dropped from an online match you're currently playing.

"Rest assured that we're addressing this problem and will provide updates as soon as possible.

"Thank you for your patience. Please stay tuned to this article for more information."

Check out the updates as they happen here.


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