New look for the Tokyo Game Show

Dates and format revealed!

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New look for the Tokyo Game Show
Japanese game company consortium CESA (Computer Entertainment Software Association) has revealed the dates and format of the new look Tokyo Game Show, the now annual Japanese games fair.

Taking place between September 20-23, the show now includes an industry-only day on the final day, into which members of the public will not be admitted.

The Tokyo Game Show used to be a bi-annual event, taking place in Autumn and Spring of each year. Due to falling attendance and exhibitor interest of late, CESA made the decision to go annual.

"Right now the Tokyo Game Show is losing out to E3," said CESA head Kagemasa Kozuki. "I want to see the world begin to turn its eyes to Tokyo again. We hope to attract around 150.000 attendees this year.”

Full coverage from the event will be on site, right here.


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