Don't Blame Crime on Games

Video game kid sent down for greedy bank robbery

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Don't Blame Crime on Games
Did any of you read about the school child that robbed a Barclays bank in Liverpool last month? You'll find the details here if not - have yourself a read. The judge blamed video games back then.

Back with us? Splendid. Well, that same teenager has been sent to a young offenders institution to serve 40 months.

District Judge Ian Lomax said: "This is a very serious matter. It's an armed robbery but not in the conventional sense most people would recognise.

"It's a bizarre, surreal case of a young man almost acting like a real-life action video game. Nevertheless it was a robbery."

That's right Ian, it was a robbery, and you're right that it wasn't a conventional robbery too - it also wasn't related to video games in the slightest.

According to our friend Ian, the crime was "motivated by greed and immaturity" and by "whatever influences" he had been under.

That's fair enough, can't argue with that one can we?

Erm... He goes on to say that those influences could include "another pupil or something you have been watching or playing".

We'll leave you guys to form your opinions on the situation, but do share them in the comments!


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