Sony: PlayStation Vita Wasn't Ready for Tablets and Fremium

Handheld about to come into its prime, apparently

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Sony: PlayStation Vita Wasn't Ready for Tablets and Fremium
Sony’s UK MD, Fergal Gara, has spoken up about the problems facing the PlayStation Vita, saying that the system wasn't designed with the tablet and freemium market in mind.

"To bring a console out at £200+ and have software at £30, £40, £50 was a tough ask, even if it offered full controls and a superior gameplay experience,” Gara told Videogamer.

"Price is part of the equation but I think the landscape it entered is vastly different to that which maybe was imagined when the design process for the device started, in particular the tablet and smartphone and freemium-type models."

He noted that the price of the handheld is coming down and the announcement of the Mega Pack bundles. Beyond the system's value proposition, he also pointed to announcements made at Gamescom last week such as "we talked about PlayStation Plus and what that does for PlayStation Vita, and now you've got Remote Play as well.

“So in short, I think it could well be about to come into its prime and prove its distinctive worth, whereas it maybe struggled a little bit alongside the burgeoning tablet revolution."

Source: Videogamer via MCV


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