Video Games Stop Youth Crime say Official Stats

Norwegian stats show very good news for gamers

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Video Games Stop Youth Crime say Official Stats
Statistics Norway is an organisation the "has overall responsibility for official statistics in Norway, and carries out extensive research and analysis activities" and it has some very encouraging things to say about crime and video games.

In a recent report the organisation provided facts and figures that outline not only that youth crime in Norway has fallen in recent years but also that games played a decent part in that decline.

It also quotes Norwegian police spokesman Morten Hojem Ervik stating that the "decline in youth crime is related to the overall prosperity in Norway, but he also believes that video games may have saved young people from crime. "

In terms of stats, "According to Statistics Norway (SSB), 10.3 per cent of all young people between 15 and 20 years in Norway were charged with offences in 2002. In 2011, the percentage dropped to 7.8 percent with a decrease of 25 percent."

The Norwegian Paper points out that, "One important reason for this trend is that almost all young people have got mobile phone and access to computer. Computer games and opportunities to socialize online allow them to spend much more time at home, said lead researcher Anders Bakken from Norwegian Social Research Institute - NOVA"

More info here.


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