Thomas Was Alone Dev Turns to Volume

Launch trailer and gameplay vid released

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Mike Bithell, the developer of indie darling Thomas Was Alone, has announced that his latest project is Volume, a stealth game based around sound and level creation.

The as-yet unnamed protagonist is a thief who does not kill, which means you have no choice but to use stealth to get around enemies. There's a tool at your disposal called the Ricochet which can be used to distract foes.

Bithell isn't telling what platforms the game will be released on, though given the editing tools PC, at least, looks like a good bet.

Of the level design tools, Bithell says, "Every area of the game can be remixed, added to and expanded upon. The community are free to take the game in any direction they want, even releasing their own takes on the core levels. This is a game which will evolve, warp and grow".

You can get a better look at the tools in the gameplay video at the bottom, and see a glossy action-focused launch trailer above it.


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