Neil Gaiman Gets into Video Games - Needs Your Cash

Fantasy writer and Amanda Palmer hubby Neil Gaiman is making a game, man

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Neil Gaiman Gets into Video Games - Needs Your Cash
Given that you've read the headline, it's obvious that you now know that author Neil Gaiman is making a game. It's called Wayward Manor. What you probably didn't know is how he's funding it.

Unlike his better half, Amanda Palmer, who favours Kickstarter to fund her mighty works, hubby Neil is going straight to the public via his own site. We'll let him explain below.

The game itself is, "a puzzle/adventure game hybrid that invites players to solve the mysteries of the mansion any way they choose. You play as a disgruntled ghost, trying to reclaim your house from its newfound owners. This dysfunctional family of misfits and eccentrics have stifled your power and brought their own abysmal possessions into your humble abode. Each level is a playground for scares where players absorb fear to take back control of the room. If you want free reign over your mansion once again, you must uncover their deepest anxieties and drive them mad with fear using your wits and their hideous belongings."

Source: Neil Gaiman


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