Star Wars, Marvel Characters Could Feature in Kingdom Hearts

If Nomura can overcome some hurdles.

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Star Wars, Marvel Characters Could Feature in Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts might be bloody confusing half the time, but it's a great way of re-imagining an array of Disney worlds and characters. Such Disney-owned properties that might feature in future instalments could be those from the Star Wars and Marvel universe, Tetsuya Nomura has teased.

While Han Solo and Spiderman could technically make an appearance in Kingdom Hearts III, Nomura added that Disney has strict policies in place that restrict the manner in which companies like Square Enix represent their properties. It was difficult enough to get what they could for Kingdom Hearts I and II, apparently.

"We're not going to decide it whether [Final Fantasy developer Yoshinori] Kitase-san likes Star Wars or not but we've been talking about Star Wars itself since it became Disney's content recently," Nomura said in an interview with Finaland. "When I heard the news I was like wow, wow'. Obviously it's gonna be great if we could add it.

"But there are lots of rules and restrictions by Disney so we can't actually put in everything people want. So it's a quite difficult decision but we're gonna prepare some surprises for you so, just wait for the information."

Nomura currently had his hands full with development of Final Fantasy XV and the recently-announced Kingdom Hearts III, both heading to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


harut 8 Jul 2013 16:48
Great idea. And how about spongebob? I mean are you serious?
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