'Average Gamer' Profiled in Survey, May Be Older Than You Think

Who is s/he?

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Zoe Saldana is 35, though we don't know if she's an average gamer.
Zoe Saldana is 35, though we don't know if she's an average gamer.
It turns out that the average gamer's a bit older than you might have thought. S/he's 35, married or in a relationship and has one child. That's according to a survey carried out by games social network Pixwoo, anyway.

The study took in 2,000 British respondents who consider themselves to be a 'gamer'.

Other morsels offered up by the survey include:

- They'll play five days a week, around two and a half hours a day.
- They own two consoles and 18 games.
- They have two gaming related arguments a week with their partner (PS4 vs Xbone, maybe?).
- 15% said they've broken up with someone over it.
- They have five online gaming friends.
- One third say they're most likely to play with friends in the same room.
- But nearly a quarter say they do play with friends remotely.
- One in five 'usually' play with online friends they've met through the gaming community.

Keep in mind, of course, the entire sample is made up of people who self-identified as 'gamers'. That means that the candy-crushing casual players some people like to include under the 'gamer' umbrella probably aren't very well represented here. We also don't know how the respondents were recruited.

Still, all sounds rather domestic, doesn't it?


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