Double Fine: It's Critical That Microsoft Changes Indie Stance

Sony is really welcoming to indie developers.

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Double Fine: It's Critical That Microsoft Changes Indie Stance
Double Fine's Tim Schafer has expressed his opinion on Sony and Microsoft's next-generation strategies - noting that the former has been proactive in approaching indie developers, and expressing hope that the latter will change course and do the same.

"Sony has reached out to us and asked us our opinions about what we’d like to see with new platforms and they’ve been really good with indies – allowing them self-publish and entering into partnerships and stuff like that," Schafer said.

"Microsoft has been focused elsewhere up until now, I’ve kind of had my fingers crossed that hopefully they’ll change their minds about that because I think it’s really critical."

He used Steam and mobile as key examples of "really profitable... reasonable and successful alternative [environments] for indies to look towards – we don’t really need to go through the arduous process of acquiring a publisher that we don’t need just to be on a certain platform. I hope [Microsoft] figure it out."

Schafer is currently working on Kickstarter-funded title Broken Age, but Double Fine has launched a fresh crowd-funded scheme for a new game called Massive Chalice.

Source: EDGE


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