Marvel Heroes Boss on Free-to-Play: Console Makers Must Adapt

It's time for a change in thinking

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Marvel Heroes Boss on Free-to-Play: Console Makers Must Adapt
David Brevin, president of Marvel Heroes developer Gazillion and veteran of the Diablo series, has said that platform holders have to change their thinking in order to make room for changing business offers such as free-to-play.

Asked in an interview with SPOnG whether he sees a future for the free-to-play model on consoles, Brevin said, "I think it’s possible. Right now, consoles don’t support that very well, and certainly the organisations don’t either. But, with the advent of new consoles and other hardware, such as Valve’s Steam Box, I think that larger corporations will have to adapt to the changing marketplace.

"Just like they’ve had to adapt to better support digital distribution - the same thing is going to happen with free-to-play. Especially if free-to-play becomes a successful model in the US or Europe, they will have to adapt to that and change their thinking."

More from that interview through here.


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