Scouting for Boys and Game Design

Yes, semi-military organisation pledges allegiance to games...

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Scouting for Boys and Game Design
The Cub Scout movement has joined us in the latest century and is brining the "Game Design merit badge" into play. What!? Surely this will inhibit the young, semi-military youth from collecting trees and camping? No way dudes..."

"Let me stop you right here. I know what you’re thinking, but, no, this is not a merit badge Scouts earn by playing video games", says the organisational person introducing the badge (Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the senior editor of Scouting magazine)." Phew! Is there more? There is! Dib-dib...

"Game Design merit badge — released today — teaches Scouts how to create, test, and refine a game from one of four categories."

These are:

Electronic (games for computers, game systems, or mobile devices)
Outdoor/Athletic (sports or games like capture the flag)
Tabletop (dice-based games, board games, card games)
Pen and Paper or Role-Playing Games

Phew again. Also phew is the fact that, "It’s the BSA’s 131st current merit badge and it’s likely a one-size-fits-all badge—appropriate for super-athletic Scouts as well as those who are less so. And perfect for the right-brainers and the left-brainers."

Cool dudes! Let's now just recap on the old Cub Scout pledge:

"On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight."


Source: Ze Scouts


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