Another Hitman Movie Reboot from Fox Prepares to Awe You Some

Unknown director pals up with Fast and Furious actor..

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A very young Agent 47
A very young Agent 47
It seems only minutes since Agent 47 and the Hitman IP was rebooted or reimagined but it's happening again. This time as a sort of training ground for Fox International Productions.

Fox is letting advertising director Aleksander Bach loose on a script by X-Men Origins: Wolverine and 2007's Hitman movie Skip Woods and Michael Finch. The star of the forthcoming flick is...

Not it's not Jason Statham!

It's The Fast And The Furious‘s Paul Walker. Movie's going to be called Agent 47.

According to Deadline, "FIP, led by Sanford Panitch, sees this as a potential gold mine both in the U.S. but especially in the overseas marketplace, where the video game has moved over 20 million units and where Walker has done very well with Universal’s race car franchise and films like Eight Below."



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