The War Z Producer Issues Grovelling Apology - "I was Arrogant"

Really, honestly sorry this time... maybe

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The War Z Producer Issues Grovelling Apology - "I was Arrogant"
Following the epically awful launch on Steam of Zzzzzombie killing game, The War Z, which was met with complaints and a passive aggressive apology from producer Sergey Titov at Hammerpoint the game devs, comes another less arrogant 'Sorry!' from the same guy.

The apology, published as an open letter to people still playing the 'beta' title includes such straight-up admissions as:

"I need to admit that we failed to effectively communicate some of our plans and actions to both our existing players and to our new prospective players. This failure to communicate resulted in some very negative feedback from some members of our community, but while it might be easy to label them as “haters” or some other dismissive term, in all honesty this is my fault.

" I became arrogant and blinded by the early success and quick growth of The War Z, our increasing number of players, numbers we were getting from surveys, etc., and I chose not to notice the concerns and questions raised by these members of the game community as well as others.

"This failure is entirely on my shoulders and if anything I owe thanks to that vocal minority and admit that I should have paid attention sooner."

Read the full letter over at The War Z forum.


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