The War Z Developer Apologises to Gamers Who "Who Misread Information" on Steam Release

Apologises as game is "number one top grossing game on Steam right now"

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The War Z Developer Apologises to Gamers Who "Who Misread Information" on Steam Release
You know when you're in an abusive relationship when some apologises to you because you thought you felt bad about them getting back late and puking on the cat. Or, in this case, if you read information about a game you bought that turned out to be wrong information. Step up The War Z executive producer at Hammerpoint, Sergey Titov.

Mr Titov and his company launched the zombie game on Steam this week and, as he says on the game's own forum: "Okay - we're number one top grossing game on Steam right now - thank you guys for your support." The problem is that the claims made for the game were less than fulfilled by the game itself.

Even Mr Titov admits that, " was clear that there were a number of customers that felt that information about the game was presented in a way that could have allowed for multiple interpretations."

MCV points out that, "Most of the criticism is levelled at the game’s inaccurate description on Steam, which amongst other things claims that the game includes multiple worlds of 100-400 square kilometres (only one game world exists), private servers (there are none), skill trees and a hardcore mode (MIA) and servers that support 100 players (current servers support 50)."

But these are quibbles according to Mr Titov who tells Gamespy, "I'm sure there'll be people who will look into small details and will say "no I was mislead," where in fact they imagined something to themselves without checking details first. I'm sure that Steam have it's refund policies that should handle those situations."

So, seriously, refunds? "Hammerpoint, since its early stages of Alpha, provided refunds to players who can't play game for some reasons. We've granted refund to even those players who come top us and said -- your game is shit. And if we went and see that he played like 20 minutes, we've refunded him. Yet if somebody have played like 5-10 hours and decided he doesn't like game - we clearly didn't provided refunds to them. In [the] case of Steam -- it's up to Steam to decide if they provide or not refunds. I mean -- we do not have access to that part of the Steam ecosystem," says Mr Titov.

He also points out that the game currently on sale on Steam for £9.89 (or £13.49 and £29.69 with in-game currency) is not a full game because, well, "there's no such thing as "fully released" for online game. As far as I'm concerned The War Z is in stage when we're ready to stop call it Beta. This is basic version - bones that we're going to add more and more "meat" - features and content in a coming months and hopefully years."

Astonishing stuff. Probably best wait to buy it until the flesh is on the bones and the meat is all covered in gravy. A few years from now maybe?


Ergo 19 Dec 2012 18:18
To beat a tired cliche to death:
1. Lie about your game in Steam description.
2. Profit!
Hmm, well, I guess that's it then.
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