Beyonce in Court for Millions of Dollars over Video Game

Court did not like her excuses...

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Beyonce in Court for Millions of Dollars over Video Game
It seems that it was only May this very year that we reported that ace singer and all-round money-making machine Beyoncé was going to court with game maker Gate Five over the singer pulling out of the game Starpower: Beyoncé. And we're back again, us, Beyoncé, a judge and Gate 5.

According to a report, "Gate Five alleges that it spent $6.7 million on the game and had a financier lined up to provide $19.2 million in financing when Beyoncé exercised her termination rights." These rights included the proposal that the singer could pull out of the game making agreement if certain funding conditions were not met by a certain time. She pulled out. Gate 5 began investigations and court beckoned.

The Hollywood Reporter states that: "During the course of litigation, the video game company began investigating whether Beyonce terminated so as to sign a deal with another video game company such as Ubisoft or Electronic Arts."

Now, however, "the New York State Supreme Court Appellate Division has affirmed the denial of her summary judgment motion, which doesn't necessarily mean she's at fault, only that evidence needs to be presented to a jury to determine whether or not she honored the contract."

The case goes on... and on... who says the games business isn't mature like other businesses?


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