Indie Game Store says Pay What You Want

Let's hope this plan lasts for a long time...

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Indie Game Store says Pay What You Want
IndieGameStand is a new idea that seeks to emulate the success of various outings such as Humble Indie Bundle and hippy soup restaurants in West London in the 1970s (aka Olden Days) that asked the consumer to pay what they wanted or could.

The suggested price is $10 per title, with a new game going up each week, the current one is called Spacechem. Like the Humble bundle - but unlike the soup kitchens which often became horribly trendy and full of Olden Days hipsters before going fully corporate - some of the proceeds from IndieGameStand go to charity.

As MCV points out, "The Humble Indie Bundle 6 recently closed its digital doors, raising $2,048,531.50 via a total of 316,272 sales. The bundle included Torchlight, SPAZ, Rochard, Shatter and Vessel with part of the proceeds going to charities EFF and Child’s Play."

More at IndieGameStand


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