Oculus Rift: PC is "Where the Holy Grail Is"

But could be used for mobile and console development.

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Oculus Rift: PC is "Where the Holy Grail Is"
Kickstarted virtual reality headset, The Oculus Rift, could see support on next-generation consoles and mobile devices - but CEO Brendan Iribe believes that its true home will always be the PC platform.

When asked by Develop whether we'll see a paradigm gaming shift to the Oculus Rift, Iribe said, "We’re not expecting games companies to come out and make virtual reality-only games and not support anything else right now, when we’re still in the development kit land.

"But we are expecting there to be games designed specifically for virtual reality starting to be announced to ship in line with the consumer version. Whether that’s PC only, mobiles or consoles, that’s really up to the developers, partners and the manufacturing content partners going forward, but I definitely see it on the PC."

Iribe continued that the PC was "where the Holy Grail is," noting that games designed specifically for a particular platform will generate the best results.

More in the full interview.


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