Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy HD Coming to iOS Devices

Three games for your iPad... not free, read the small print.

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Pic via CapcomUnity
Pic via CapcomUnity
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy HD is about as great as it sounds. Hi-Def lawyering with a Japanese twist from Capcom for iOS devices.... neat.

Capcom announced this today. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Justice For All, and Trials and Tribulations are all to be accessible via one app. In fact, as CapcomUnity points out:

"All three classic games will not only be presented in their entirety, as seen on the Nintendo DS, they’ve also been painstakingly remastered in glorious HD in order to take advantage of the iPhone/iPad’s luscious Retina display with further optimized tap and swipe controls for easy navigation."

Here's the twist, CapUnity raves that, " The price? Totally FREE, your honor! Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney HD Trilogy will be available at no cost, and the first two episodes are playable for free (similar to how folks enjoyed Ghost Trick on iOS) and players may download additional episodes at their leisure, or you can buy all three games bundled together."

Let's read that again, this time using more breath while being less breathy... the app is free. The first two 'episodes' are free. That actually means that first two chapters of the first game are free. Everything else you have to pay for. We don't know the price yet.

Also included in the app is the Everybody Object mode that allows you to annoy your friends on social networking sites with tweets and updates related to the game.


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