Video Game Industry Wake-Up Call: Digital Creams Retail in USA

NPD data is revealing

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Video Game Industry Wake-Up Call: Digital Creams Retail in USA
Look, as usual the NPD video game (and related hardware) sales data from the USA is dire. Seriously down on nearly all fronts. But, there is an upside.

Bloomberg reports the NPD figures show that, "In the second quarter ended June 30, U.S. consumer spending on retail games fell to $1 billion, leading to an overall decline of 16 percent."

That's the bad. Now this, "Spending on digital content rose 17 percent to $1.47 billion".

“While this growth is in stark contrast to the declines in new physical hardware and software sales, the size of digital sales is not quite large enough to offset these declines,” NPD analyst Anita Frazier said in yesterday’s statement.

Shame. But yes, an upside.

Via Bloomberg


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