Assassin's Creed III: Boastful New Video

Is Connor 'The most detailed third-person action character ever created'?

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Assassin's Creed III: Boastful New Video
We've got a minty new trailer for Assassin's Creed III right below these words for you to feast your eyes on.

It's a focus on the Anvil engine behind the game, but it's mostly just an excuse for Ubisoft to get a bit braggy about the whole thing and show off some new footage. Connor is, apparently, "The most detailed third-person action character ever created."

Maybe you should have a look at the video and decide for yourself...



DrkStr 2 Aug 2012 17:19
"The most detailed third-person action character ever created." - surprised they haven't bought, erm, been awarded, a Guinness wordl record for that yet.
dude1 15 Aug 2012 21:53
i know
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