Tiny Wings 2 is Free as a Bird

And not an angry bird either but a happy bird... flying.

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Tiny Wings 2 is Free as a Bird
Honestly, no one at SPOnG could get into Tiny Birds after the initial couple of goes but we understand that it's very popular with causal, snacking gamers. So, it's ace news (yes, 'ace') to hear that Tiny Birds 2 is, in many ways, bloody well free.

Creator of the flying and gliding madness, Andreas Illiger, has told Touch Arcade that:

"I [never] clarified if it will be an update or an seperate (sic) app before the release because then my fans will be happy on the release day when they see that the sequel isn't a seperate (sic) app and they will get it for free.

"I worked on the 2.0 version for the last 12 months and everyone told me I should make a seperate (sic) app out of it and sell it again (because it is almost a new game and I would earn a lot more money). It was a heavy decision for me to give away this new version for free but it feels right (most people I talked about this subject don't understand it.

"So I decided to give it away for free as a big "thank you" to all my fans for changing my life. That's really important for me and the reason why I make this little stupid marketing trick of confusing my fans before the release."


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