Wreck-It Ralph - Gamers Move with Bad Guy Goodness

The Disney movie that features a host of famous bad video game guys

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Wreck-It Ralph - Gamers Move with Bad Guy Goodness
The Disney movie Wreck-It Ralph that we reported last month has a lovely new trailer.

The movie, which stars the likes of Sarah Silverman and John C. Reilly, sees a character (Ralph) from the days of 8-bit arcades (let's say he is sort of Donkey Kong or the armed forces of the USA) becoming sick of the fact that without him destroying things there would be no game. The point of the game being to stop him destroying things you see.

So, after 30 years of being seen as the bad guy despite being essential to world order... sorry, to the game, Ralph decides to go on strike.

Movie looks fun... have a look-see.


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