Madness as Unbought PlayStation Blamed for Child Murdering Father

Let's all yell "What about the gun!!!"

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Your fault for North Korea. Bad, BAD scientist!
Your fault for North Korea. Bad, BAD scientist!
In a move that is equivalent to blaming Albert Einstein for the fact that North Korea has nuclear armaments, the Associated Press is taking an apparently slow news day by the scruff of its neck and using it to blame an unbought Playstation for the murder of a father by his four-year old son.

" An angry four-year-old Saudi boy shot and killed his father for refusing to buy him a PlayStation, Saudi media reported on Monday."

Let's give that a quick look again... 'four-year-old Saudi boy shot and killed his father'.

Surely there's more detail? Why, yes there is:

"The Asharq daily, citing police in the southern Jizan area, said the child, aged four years and seven months, grabbed his father's pistol and shot him in the head.

"According to the newspaper, the child had asked his father to buy him a PlayStation and the shooting took place after the man returned home without the desired object.

"As he was undressing, the man put the weapon down, which the child then grabbed and fired at him from close range."

The man had a weapon in a room with a four-year old child. The man put the weapon down in a room with a four-year old child.

Yet the headline is: "Saudi boy, 4, 'kills father over PlayStation'" ? Yeah, apparently guns don't kill people, video game consoles kill people.

Source: AP


ajmetz 23 Apr 2012 13:27
I think it's pretty tragic whatever the reason. Was it accidental?
luciferous 23 Apr 2012 13:49
Does a four-year-old have the mental faculty to make that sort of reasoning? Also, real firearms, even pistols, are very heavy, usually too heavy for a child to lift, let alone aim. The whole thing stinks of anti-western propaganda.
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gingineer 23 Apr 2012 14:41
surely this is proof that kids are violent without having played computrer games. in this case a playstation could have saved a life! doubt they would run with "playstation could have saved life"
config 23 Apr 2012 17:49
@Shane_K._Firth Anti-western propaganda? The PlayStation is from Sony, and Sony is a Japanese firm
deleted 24 Apr 2012 20:28
Do we really need to report this s**te? its the fact the kid wanted a playstation if he wanted a ball in a cup would it still be the same headline?
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