Bioshock Infinite Playstation Move Support "Proof's in the Pudding"

Ken Levine gets lost in his own analogy

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Bioshock Infinite Playstation Move Support "Proof's in the Pudding"
Irrational Games Ken Levine does not sound convinced by PlayStation Move support in his own game saying that when it comes to the PlayStation peripheral and Bioshock Infinite, the "proof's going to be in the pudding".

Sure, we know he means that the proof will be in the eating, but he's a busy guy.

He certainly does not sound comfortable describing Move integration, saying things like, "Talking about Move support is like talking about music. It's hard to do."

Not really Ken. He also states that, "You've got to put the thing in somebody's hand and say, 'here's our Move support. How does it feel to you?' We're definitely going to be doing that at some point. But it's hard to talk about because it's like, 'hey, does it feel good? Does it feel right? Does it break down barriers of interface for you?'"

These do not sound like the words of a man convinced by the tech - or even that keen to talk about it... or even sure what it's for. He even asks, "That's the goal of Move, right? It's to make you forget you're playing with a controller. It's to make that much more transparent. The proof's going to be in the pudding."

Source: Eurogamer


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