Evolution Studios has announced a pretty sweet deal for PS3 and Vita owners in the US - for a limited time, if you buy the PS3 version of MotorStorm RC then you can get the Vita version for free. This is thanks to some promotional tie-up with Scion.
This has, of course, led to some people on the wonderful internet world to call foul at the good fortune of the Americans. It's probably because everybody's forgotten that the European version of MotorStorm RC was actually a bundle pack - you got the PS3 and Vita versions for one price. Meaning one version or the other was free anyway. You didn't forget, did you gentle reader?
MotorStorm RC will be released in the US tomorrow via PlayStation Network for $9.99. The only other bonus that the US will get that's rather exclusive is a custom RC version of Scion's iQ vehicle. We're not sure if anyone cares about that though, to be honest with you.