UK Video Game Charts - UFC Undisputed Number 1

Thank goodness it's not boxing, right?

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UK Video Game Charts - UFC Undisputed Number 1
THQ needs a win right now. Thankfully for the competitive nature of the game industry, it's got one with UFC Undisputed 3 hitting the UK's Gfk-Charttrack All Formats/All Prices chart at #1.

The rest of the chart is, to be honest, the kind of list the wouldn't worry Guy Pearce's character in Memento.

That's unless he managed to remember last week's #1 - Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, which has disappeared with a trace having suffered a 63% sales drop; it falls to the #12 spot.

Other familiar old faces, however, increased sales: Fifa 12, MW3, Mario Mario & Sonic London 2012 Olympic Games, Battlefield 3, Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure, Just Dance 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim all sold more this week than last week.

{NE} - 01 - UFC Undisputed 3 - THQ
{05} - 02 - Fifa 12 - Electronic Arts
{07} - 03 - Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Activision Blizzard
{10} - 04 - Mario & Sonic London 2012 Olympic Games - SEGA
{06} - 05 - Battlefield 3 - Electronic Arts
{02} - 06 - Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Square Enix Europe
{14} - 07 - Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure - Activision Blizzard
{03} - 08 - The Darkness II - Take 2
{09} - 09 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Bethesda Softworks
{12} - 10 - Just Dance 3 - Ubisoft[/b]


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