Electronic Arts Hacked - Nobody Hurt

EA's forums were hacked yesterday but no user details were taken.

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Electronic Arts Hacked - Nobody Hurt
Always make sure to test the security of your forums every day (we do) as you never know when some new exploit will be discovered. Electronic Arts has recently learned this lesson.

It's posted the following in fact:

"As some of you noticed the homepage of the forums was defaced by a hacker yesterday using a very new exploit for the software which runs the forums. This was noticed quickly and we took the action to take the forums offline while we investigated the details.

"This work is now complete and the vulnerability we believe was used has now been fixed.

"There is no evidence that any personal data was compromised and as passwords aren't stored in a recoverable manor, we are confident they remain secure.

"Thank you for your patience whilst the forums were offline & we took the necessary steps to investigate this. If you have any concerns regarding the forums don't hesitate to send me or the moderation team a PM to discuss further."

Source: EA


Comedykev 1 Feb 2012 14:57
Err sorry to inform you but this was on jan 29th and not yesterday
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