Mass Effect 3 - $75 for Random DLC

Buy figurines, get DLC... that's Mass Effect 3

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Mass Effect 3 - $75 for Random DLC
See the lovely figurines pictured to the right? Yes, those ones of Shepard, Grunt, Thane, and Tali from Mass Effect 3. Well, if you can afford them, then you'll also get DLC from the game. Yes, got the cash, then get the advantage!

Indeed, the lovely figurines, according to Bioware, "contain codes that can be redeemed for a downloadable content pack for Mass Effect 3 multi-player."

Okay, what do you get?

"(the codes) are slightly randomized during the registration and could include powerful new weapons and new characters. The pack could also include character boosters, weapon modifications, and weapon upgrades to make your multi-player squad stronger. (Only supported on XBox360 and PC.)"

How much?

"This is a pre-sale item with an estimated ship date of April/May 2012 Price: $75.00"

Yes indeed, if you've got $75 and can bear to tear the packaging open on the figurines, then you've paid your way to a DLC-based, multiplayer advantage, which isn't cheating at all, no way. In fact, other players will probably be pleased for you.


gingineer 23 Jan 2012 12:50
Whilst this is way too expensive. I think that as a delivery method for DLC codes, bundling it with cheap merchandise is actually going to be a way forward. If Pepsi gave a random DLC code for Modern warfare for every 2L bottle sold ranging from a Pepsi sponsored level down to some skins guns or designs then I think Pepsi would sell a lot of bottles!
Steviepunk 23 Jan 2012 13:28
Isn't the multiplayer cooperative? So one player having 'better' weapons probably won't be a problem since you're all on the same side (makes it more likely that player will save your ass more often)

Besides, the blurb doesn't say that the weapons will be more powerful than what you can get without the codes, or that they will be exlcusive weapons that can only be unlocked via the figurines.

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